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Our Pro-Peace Rally

Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:44 PM

Mother Teresa has famously been attributed with saying, "I will never attend an anti-war rally; but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I will be there." At One Spark, every time we say, "We believe in possibilities", we're embracing the same desire for positive change and real action. Violence can be a challenging, distressing - and at times horrific - part of the human experience. For women living with violence that have limited or no financial means, the experience of violence can be wrapped in all kinds of additional challenges and the options may seem frightening and hopeless. Imagine facing the choice between living with violence and not having a home or food for you or your children. Our vision is a world where no woman has to make that choice. We believe there are opportunities to make systemic change and to help create livelihood options for women that are full of hope: it's our pro-peace rally.

One Spark is young, but we have big goals. We're starting by facilitating the process of registering women with their own business because it's a way to break down barriers to untapped income sources. It is an alternative that empowers women to take their unique skills, talents, and/or products to market; to generate incremental income; and to have the flexibility that women may need if they are also care-takers or balancing other life responsibilities. As we grow, we want to change socio-ecomonic frameworks and ensure women have a financial safety plan, so that lack of access to basic life necessities is never a reality that prevents a woman from escaping violence.

We hope you'll be part of our rally and that you'll help us seek, develop, and believe in possibilities!

Welcome to One Spark!!

Executive Director

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